Homeopathy in Perspective

Anthony Campbell

This is a revised and updated edition

Book Cover

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This is is a book about homeopathy: what it is, how it developed, where it stands today. It's written for people with questioning minds; anyone who has adopted a fixed opinion in advance about homeopathy, either for or against, may receive the odd shock. No prior knowledge of homeopathy is assumed, but this doesn't mean that the book is meant only for beginners. Even if you have read a good deal about homeopathy previously you may, I believe, find that you view it in a different light after you have finished. What I try to do here is to look at homeopathy as squarely as possible and to provide the facts as I see them. What you then make of them is up to you. I think this is worth doing because the material I present is not well known even to many homeopaths, yet it's essential for anyone who wants to make an informed judgement about homeopathy. These facts are not, to my knowledge, easily available anywhere else; it certainly took me a long time to learn them.

How to get it

Print versions
Amazon.com or Amazon.co.uk.

Ebook versions in a variety of formats
Apple iBooks, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble. For further details please go to my Smashwords page.

There is also now a Kindle version.

A French translation of this page is available.

Review by John Floyd (20 February 2009)

Thank you for clearing up my fog re homeopathy. I had generally grouped it with herbalism and the other "alternative" therapeutic offerings, but without knowing much about it.

As you suggested, it is difficult to understand homeopathy without knowing its history. This easily readable (and enjoyable) review of the subject was not technically challenging and well worth the day I took for reading it, as I know quite a bit about homeopathy, rather than essentially nothing before.

There are important lessons for we allopathic physicians in homeopathy, specifically the positive effect of spending time to convince the patient one is truly interested in her/him as a person, not just a complaint to be diagnosed and treated. Unfortunately in the western world, the bean counters control the time we have for appointments, and reward procedures, not talk.

I was a bit disappointed that there was little discussion about homeopathy in India, after pointing out its importance in that country; perhaps in the next Lulu edition.

While this book is quite informative for the lay person, I also strongly endorse this text for anyone in the health care arena whom might be confronted by patients or practitioners of homeopathy, and in need of a knowledge base from which to respond.

Homeopathy in perspective


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